Lil’ Dragons

4 - 5 Years Old Monday / Wednesday 3:45pm - 4:15pm

“Lil’ Dragons” Program is a multi-dimensional learning experience. The best time to develop your child’s self confidence and discipline is from an early age and our Lil’Dragons Martial Arts Program is the best way to do so!


This is the age when your child is at their prime, ready to absorb all that Tsawwassen Martial Arts training can do for them: mentally, physically and emotionally.

Physically – increase flexibility, coordination and balance, enhanced agility and athleticism.

Mentally – improve concentration and memory retention, learning through visualization, increases focus.

Emotionally – improve self-control and respect for others while developing self-assurance and confidence.

LIL’ DRAGONS (4 - 5 Years Old)

This is where your child Martial Arts Journey begins.

We make sure that all physical and acrobatic movements are executed correct and safe. Our instructors use unique methods that will help your child to learn from the very beginning the proper way of executing correct the Martial Arts techniques.

All these benefits and the life skills kids will learn in LIL’ DRAGONS Martial Arts Program makes this program a very solid foundation that will serve your child later in life and in other sports he/she will take in the future.

TIGERS martial arts

Please call or email us to determine the best class time for your child!

As caring parents we understand that we can’t always be at our children’s side…so at Tsawwassen Martial Arts we want to ensure that every child knows how to be Kid-Smart and Kid-Safe so that they can protect themselves at home, at school, on the internet, and in the community.

At Tsawwassen Martial Arts, along with the values, philosophies and the fundamentals of Karate-Do and Taekwon-Do we introduce the kids to Kickboxing, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under one very unique Martial Arts program.

Your child’s self confidence, respect and discipline will increase drastically after only a few classes. They will be introduced in a fun and safe way to NON CONTACT Sparring, Break Falls, Rolls and Self Defence Scenarios.

Kids will learn not only how to make the right choice in Effectively Defend Themselves, but they will also learn how to Achieve their Goals in Life. The Forms, the Sparring drills and the rest of the curriculum get more complex but still fun and exciting to learn.



juniors martial arts

Please call or email us to determine the best class time for your child!

This 45 minute class where Karate and Taekwon-Do meet Kickboxing and Krav Maga is the direct road for your child to become a Black Belt in Martial Arts and most important a Solid Black Belt in Life.

Junior Martial Arts classes are designed to develop Physical Fitness, Mental Toughness and a strong Positive Self-Image.

Our program is also a real life self defence based course for Girls and Boys,consisting of the most comprehensive Verbal and Physical Anti-Bullying, Verbal and Physical Anti-Abduction methods available in the area.

Over the last decade we have seen our world rapidly change. Bulling can have detrimental effects on children like stress, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, fatigue, fearfulness, irritability and a host of other debilitating effects. At Tsawwassen Martial Arts the Bully Proof Subject is taught in all our children’s classes and develops your child's confidence and skills needed to stand up to the bully without conflict first and then how to handle the bully if attacked verbally or physically.

* Did you know that Tsawwassen Martial Arts it is the only Martial Arts School in Delta where the students (based on their technical level of course) can get OFFICIALLY INTERNATIONALLY recognized BLACK BELTS in KARATE and TAEKWON-DO… cool hm?



Learn Martial Arts through our Life Skills & Social Skills Program!

This 30 minute class is designed for Autistic Children 6+ to attend with their parent or guardian.

Please click below to email us for more information and sign up options.

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