Team Canada Tournament Information


We are proud to announce that a group of TMA students that have been selected to be a part of the:

 Canadian National Karate Team.  

Their intense training program and preparations for the:

World Karate Championships in Malmo, Sweden

(July 2025) is well underway!

The journey to the World Championships includes special training, attending local tournaments and the North American Karate Open in Las Vegas.

This exciting opportunity comes along with many additional expenses for the students involved.  

The parents and students have set up fundraising efforts to help offset some of the equipment, competition and travel costs.  

Please take a look at this email and see if there is anything you can participate in to help them out!   

We appreciate your support!

 - Team Canada Students & Parents - 

The bottle drop off is very easy with the express return it!

All you have to do is:

1) Take the empties in a clear plastic bag

2) Go to the little kiosk and type in the TMA phone number - 604-782-6764 

3) Stick the printed labels to your bags

3) Drop your bags in the bin

  They do the sorting and counting! 

If you have any items, gift certificates or experiences to donate for our Pub Night Silent Auction, please email we can coordinate with you.

Etransfers can be made to: